MetroStor - Modern Cloud Backup (that simply works)
Backups you can Believe in.
Managed Backup as a Service.
Across the WAN.
For businesses from:
50 to 10,000 staff.
1 TB to 750 TB.
Be ready for recovery whether its:
- a single server
- dozens of servers spread across a continent
- or your Corporate Headquarters with hundreds of Physical servers, VMware or Hyper-V Hosts
Why MetroStor by CD-DataHouse Ltd?
Since 2009, we've deployed over 120 backup systems - from 1TB to 1,500TB in size.
This experience has forged our practices and discipline to deliver an exceptionally robust Cloud Backup service and experience we've called- MetroStor!
MetroStor backs up and retains your data to our United Kingdom, Tier 3 ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 datacentres.
Today we support in excess of 1 Petabyte of Backups for our customers.

The MetroStor Difference
MetroStor Cloud Backup means you have a team of dedicated Backup & Data Protection Engineers on standby when your recovery requirements become critical.
MetroStor Flex Up & Down
Grow your Backup and Data protection requirements - both UP and DOWN in size:-
Pay based just on what you use.
MetroStor & You
MetroStor provides a complete backup platform:
- you eliminate owning, expanding, managing or paying complex 'vendor' licenses for backup software
- you have full assurance your data is backed up - off your site - and secured into our Tier 3 certified Datacentres

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