Unitrends – is a single Integrated Hardware Backup Appliance featuring Adaptive DeDuplication – guaranteed to fix your backup problems
Unitrends- is a single Integrated Hardware Backup Appliance featuring Adaptive DeDuplication - guaranteed to fix your backup problems
Read further and Request a 10 minute demonstration to understand why IT Professionals have switched out their old backup solutions to Unitrends…..
Backup, Archiving,
DeDuplication, Baremetal-Restore WAN Replication, VMware, Linux, Unix, Windows, Novell, OS/400 and more
Pick the right size Appliance for your needs. Unitrends ships as:
Easy Recovery – Just Pick a Point in Time
The restore pane is made up of a recovery point, a recovery point time table and a graphical representation of a 24-hour day. With this graphical interface, it’s simple to identify the intervals of time from which to restore. |
Unitrends is simple to configure, but offers advanced backup features delivered through a simple and intuitive GUI.
- No ‘per agent’ Fees
- Built in DeDupe,
- Across the WAN Replication
- BareMetal Restore and
- Plain and simple rock solid reliability- Read the Customer Case Studies below ↓
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Free Trial or More Information
Download your Free Trial of Unitrends, using the Unitrends VMware ‘Virtual Appliance’. Trials also available for the Desktop, and 1U to 3U rack systems |
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No Limits Licensing.Imagine ultimate backup freedom with Unitrends No Limits Licensing™ that boasts no per client fees, no per agent fees, no per operating system fees, no per application fees and no new release fees. Pretty cool, huh? |
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Adaptive Deduplication™Adaptive Deduplication™ is a hybrid data reduction technology combining inline compression with post-processing data deduplication that adapts dynamically to multiple factors. Reduce backup sizes, typically, from 4:1 through to 20:1. |
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Support for Windows, UNIX, VMware, Linux, IBM OS/400 and moreUnitrends uses a common D2D backup and recovery engine for providing protection for over 100 different versions of operating systems, hypervisors and applications. |
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Easy to Navigate GUIScheduling, Reporting, Exception Alerting available from a Web 2.0 GUI. |
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Windows Server Instant Recovery- Read further hereIn the event of a Windows Server failure, Unitrends uses a ‘Virtualised copy’ of that server, stored on the Unitrends appliance and brings it back to life in 5 minutes – running on the Unitrends appliance.
Unitrends Free Trial or arrange an online Demonstration
Request your trial download of the VMware Virtual ‘machine appliance’.
The Unitrends VMware Virtual machine appliance trial delivers ‘99%’ of the functionality of the Unitrends hardware appliances and provides an ideal Introduction to Unitrends.
For those with a busy schedule or limited time, we can also arrange:
1) An Online Demonstration
2) an Indicative Quotation
3) or a live login to CD-DataHouse’s own backup lab
For those requiring significantly more scope in their trial, where a Hardware Appliance might be more relevant, please indicate this in the trial form.
End User Reviews
Unitrends has thousands of end users who appreciate the technical simplicity and the ‘no-limits’ pricing model – which allows unlimited backup agents to be deployed.
For specific case studies – or to arrange a reference call with our Unitrends customers – make contact and we’ll gladly do so.
They also have data protection vaults, our backups are automatically synced to an offsite vault after being done locally, so no matter what happens to our main site we always have current backups at our offsite location. They also offer a vault to cloud option if you don’t have a 2nd site or don’t want to purchase a vault.
If you want to manually bring a backup off site like you would a tape, they can also archive to an archive drive and you literally just pull out the harddrive and carry offsite like you would a tape, but it is much more reliable than a tape 🙂
Backups can be deduplicated and also encrypted to save space and meet any security requirements your organization may have.
I’ve been very happy with the ease and usability of my appliance. I’m just in the learning stages and it’s been very easy to pick up and I really haven’t had to use much documentation it’s that intuitive. When I have had to look for something, the documentation included and on the website is FANTASTIC! Very easy to read and very informative.
The agent less licensing was a huge draw for me. It’s nice to know that I don’t have to juggle licenses or purchase new ones for something new that might come up!
Check this product out, their VM demo is a great way to get a feel for it!
The agent less licensing was a huge draw for me. It’s nice to know that I don’t have to juggle licenses or purchase new ones for something new that might come up!
Check this product out, their VM demo is a great way to get a feel for it!
I love my Unitrends box. So much so, we have ordered another unit for vaulting. I love the licensing, ease of use, support, culture of the people at Unitrends and the fact that this stuff just plain works. Go in to a potential purchase with an open mind. Real backup solutions are not cheap, Unitrends sets itself apart by offering no per-server licensing. Just keep backing up machines until you run out of space, then license more space. Have a SAM-SD? Use it to store older backups as second level (near line) on-site storage.
Not having to bother with yet another license really is what sold me on Unitrends. I can’t say it enough, I love not having to worry about if I have a backup license for the new server.
My first experience with support was with Joe (the British one, there are two Joe’s in support). He spent several hours with me walking me through the setup and making sure I had an understanding of how the software works before letting me loose on my own. I will be honest, the interface takes some learning, but Joe shortened the curve by weeks.
The best I can tell you is: Test it – buy it – use it – love it!
Here is an example from a real life Unitrends Customer – they have achieved an 18:1 DeDupe ratio – the green line tracks the DeDupe ratio against the left hand axis.
Their environment comprises:
- 10 ESX hosts and all the VMs – with about 36 VMs, most of which are Windows 2003 Servers
- 5 SQL servers
- an Exchange Server,
- 10 CIFS shares
- and a range of other smaller physical servers (eg DC’s, FTP Servers etc)